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Dust Zero magic mushroom mat 를 직접 구매하셨던 고객님들의 후기 입니다.


최종 수정일: 2022년 7월 8일

I have especially used a lot of money on foot mats.

Pretty ones, Gyujoto, Daiso, etc.

I have used many that seemed nice,

but now I am satisfied with this.

I came to order one for my mom and am leaving a review.

It’s very easy to clean and hygienic.

Highly recommended!


かわいいものから珪藻土マット、ダイソーのものまで、良いと言われる ものを多数使ってみましたがこのマットに落ち付きました。

母の家にも一つ注文してあげようと思いこのレビューを書いています。 掃除がとても楽で衛生的です。



A lot of effort is put on to the package box so it looked very nice.

I’ve waited a long time for this mat so I spread it across the whole back balcony (multi-purpose room). Our back balcony of the house is all tiles and I was looking for a good mat that I could install as a whole, and I came across Mushroom Magic Mat and funded right away. The width of the mat is smaller than what I wanted, but it seems perfect after being laid down in a line, and I am very satisfied with it.


このマットが来るのを楽しみにしていたので、受け取ってすぐにベランダ(多目的室)に敷きました。 家のベランダの床はタイルですが、いつも裸足で行き来していました。ベランダ全体に設置できるマットを探していたところ、キノコマジックマットを見つけすぐファンディングしました。 マットの幅が私が思っていたものよりも短かかったのですが、実際に一列に敷いてみるとむしろ丁度良い大きさでとても満足です。


The feeling of stepping it barefoot is special.

The wrapping is luxurious and seems a lot of effort has been put in.

I’m cheering for you.





I’m using it in front of the bathroom and I’ll need some more time, but I’m satisfied up until now. The texture feels good when I step on it barefoot, and when I come out of the shower, the water is captured on the bottom so my feet is kept dried~ The water captured in the bottom seems to dry up on its own. Up until now, the product seems to be as explained by Maker ^^ When encore funding is opened, I’m thinking about additionally purchasing for the front door.

トイレの前に置いて使っています。もう少し長期間使ってみないとわかりませんが、ひとまず満足です。 裸足で踏んだ時の感触もよく、シャワーして出てきた時に下の方に水が落ち、足にはつかないのでサラサラです。下の方に集まった水は放っておくと、勝手に乾いているようです。今のところメーカーさんが製品について説明しているとおりだと思います。^^アンコールファンディングされたら玄関用にも追加購入しようかと考えています~。


Color selected: 3)Sky blue

I placed it after throwing Gyujoto away and I’m satisfied

カラー 3)スカイブルー



Color selected: 3)Sky blue

(One month usage review) The price is so worth it.

I’m using it very cleanly.

カラー 3)スカイブルー

1ヶ月使用 値段が惜しくないですね。 きれいに使っています。


Color selected: 1)Brown

Since I have been growing 3 cats for more than 10 year, I have used all kind of sand mat.

Out of those, I have been satisfied with Myoshim.

But for Myoshim, when a cat scratches or throws up, the dirty particle gets stuck and hardens on the front so, even when washed heavily with the shower, it doesn’t fall off.

I have been looking for something that separates like this and after using it, it is definitely easy to wash with water! I just carry the whole thing, separate the front and wash it cleanly with water. I don’t need to use washing soap or the brush to clean.

My shoulders almost came off from washing the other mat with a brush.

Also, this is an antibacterial texture so I’m relieved of using it.

It is perfectly anti-slippery and seems like it won’t rip even when scratched.

I stepped on it barefoot and it wasn’t uncomfortable at all. I should buy some more and place it where my cats come in! I was a bit uncomfortable with the bottom mat color, but it doesn’t show too well when covered by the top.

Hope you sell a lot~

カラー 1)ブラウン

猫3匹を10年以上飼っていたので砂取りマットをあれこれたくさん使ってみたのですが、その中でもよかったのはミョーシンというメーカの砂取マットでした。 でも、猫が爪とぎをしたり吐いたりゴミが挟まって固まると、表裏のマットが取り外せないのでどんなにシャワーで水洗いしても落ちませんでしたTT この製品のように分離できるものを探していたのですが、実際使ってみると水掃除がとても簡単です!

そのまま風呂場に持って行って表裏分離して水でサーっと流すだけできれいになります。洗剤も使わないしブラシでこする必要もないです。 今まで他のマットはブラシで磨いて肩が痛くなっていましたTT

それにこれは抗菌素材なので安心です。 滑り止めが完璧で爪とぎもできない? したとしても破れないような素材です。

裸足で踏んでも全く足の裏が痛くなかったです。 もっと買って子供たちが出入りする場所に敷いて置くべきですね! 裏の色が少し気になったのですが、表の色でカバーされるので大丈夫でした! 頑張ってください


Color selected: 1)Sky Blue

We have three children.

We play with water at home because we can’t go anywhere due to COVID-19,

and after playing it doesn’t feel good because the floor mat is wet and soggy.

It’s a lot of work to wash and dry often.

After it was delivered, I placed it in front of the bathroom,

and the children were happy as if it was mat same as the one in the public showers.

While using Gyujoto, it becomes dirty, and hair gets stuck on it so its unhygienic,

but when Mushroom Mat becomes dirty, it is easy to wash with water as it is possible

to separated it. I’m going to use it a bit more and place it in the kitchen.

カラー 3)スカイブルー

我が家は子供が三人です。 コロナでどこにも出られないので家で水遊びをしているのですが、








Color selected: 2)Red

I have used mats made of cloth and Gyujoto, but mats made of cloth is difficult to wash and when Gyuojoto becomes dirty, it is hard to exchange so, while I was looking for a different foot mat, it was antibacterial and easy to wash so I purchased it. I’m using it in front of the bathroom and am satisfied until now.

Water dries up really quick and I am relieved because it is antibacterial material.

There was a bit of dust when I opened it after using it for a few days, but the surface was clean. It was clean after washing it once with water, and there is no need to brush it so, it is convenient to use. I’ll use it more and write a one month review.

I’m very satisfied until now.

カラー 2)レッド








Color selected: 2)Sky Blue

I purchased it to use it at the store and it’s very neat. It’s easy to clean by just spraying

with a hose after separating, so, I wash it before going home and let it dry until the next day to use it so, it is very easy to use. But the size is a little iffy because it’s too long to use two, so personally I wish it had been about 1.5 times bigger. I have been using this kind of mat for the car mat and was looking for a similar one for the front door mat and then discovered this and its really good… Rather than using a rug and looking dirty, even if it’s a bit of a work to clean it everyday, it is more hygienic and better to use at stores.

カラー 3)スカイブルー

お店の玄関マットとして買いました。シンプルです。 取り外してホースで水をまくだけでもきれいになるので、退勤する時に洗って乾かして翌日またきれいに使うことができます。サイズが少し微妙で二つ並べると長くなり、個人的には1.5倍程度の大きさだったらベストだったと思います。 車の床マットでこんなマットを使ってるので似たような玄関マットはないか探していたので、見つけることができて嬉しいです。 毎日洗うのが面倒だったとしても、マットが汚く見えるよりはお店で衛生的に使えるのでいいです。


Color selected: 2)Sky Blue

I was going to buy Gyujoto Mat, but people said that the water doesn’t come off easily

and it is hard to clean so, I was looking for a different product and my friend said

that Mushroom Mat was good, so I purchased it. The feeling of stepping on the mat

was awkward at first, but surprisingly the water came of well and the dust on my feet

came off so easily. Also, the best part was that it was easy to wash and possible

to use it right away!! It is very difficult to dry off mat made from cloth.

Anyways, I’m giving 5 stars and am very satisfied.

カラー 3)スカイブルー


最初はマットを踏む感じがぎこちなかったのですが、不思議と水気も取れやすく足のほこりもたくさん落ちます。 そして一番いい点は洗濯が簡単ですぐに使える事!! 綿の足マットは洗って乾燥させるのも大変だったんですT とにかく星5つです。大満足です。


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조회수 17회댓글 0개


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